IRON-R2 - The Film
Intensive Iron-casting workshop, Cork, April 2014
During April 2014 seven of Carmarthen School of Art had the opportunity to participate in the second IRON R in Cork, Ireland. The students included Lisa Evans, Nick Patience, Mared Davies, Megan Davies, Lewis Price, Andrew Willis, David Beattie and tutor Robert Harding and Technician Robert Booth. The 7 day symposium consisted of the Carmarthen students helping both Crawford College students and professional artists, both of which had little experience in casting prepare moulds and prepare for a large iron pour.
Croeso - Welcome to the Sculpture Department at Carmarthen School of Art. We aim to celebrate this unique and invigorating course that is continuing to develop in West Wales. BA (Hons) Sculpture: Casting, Carving, Construction is the only course within the UK that offers a first year solely based on practical studies. The course offers traditional sculpture methods; modelling, moulding, steel construction, wood and stone carving as well as bronze, iron and aluminium casting.